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White Fields Ministries

     Greg and I have been ministering together for over 32 years.  Our heart has always been to reach the lost, the hurt, and the sick with the Good News of Jesus Christ.  Our heart also is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, endeavoring to help each one realize that God has placed special gifts in each one to help them fully apprehend their destiny.  We love people and want all to see how much God loves them and to understand and walk in all the blessings and benefits of a relationship with Him; a relationship that was made possible by the sacrifice of His Son. 

     Our ministry name, White Fields Ministries, and the Word that has been burning in us all these years is:


" up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest..." (John 4:35)


     Thank you for being linked with us in and for the purposes of His Kingdom!   Bless His Mighty Name Forever!


     For more information or teachings, go to the White Fields Ministry Link below.

Jesus is Lord!
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